Renewable Energy

BES is proud to support the many thousands of businesses and organisations across the UK who are tackling climate change by reducing their carbon footprint with our renewable electricity product.

By selecting this new and affordable green product, you can have confidence that your electricity has been generated from 100% renewable sources – namely solar, hydro and / or wind.  You will even receive a personalised certificate, free of charge, which can be used to verify your company’s green energy credentials.

We offer Renewable Electricity contracts ranging in length from 1 to 5 years, on either a fixed or market tracking prices, so get in touch to help us find the best option to meet your business needs.

How does BES calculate the emission factors for its electricity products?

Emission factors are calculated for each BES product by multiplying the megawatt hours of power generated by each type of generation technology for a 12-month period up to 31st March each year (to align with the Fuel Mix Disclosure reporting year) by a corresponding emission factor for each technology type. Emission factors for each technology type are taken from Ofgem, using the published values corresponding to the relevant Fuel Mix Disclosure reporting year. The Ofgem emission factors cover carbon dioxide only, and do not include other Kyoto greenhouse gases [GHGs] such as methane which may be emitted by some forms of electricity generation.
Ofgem allocates a zero g CO2/kWh emission factor to all electricity generation classed as ‘renewable’, which includes energy from waste and biofuel.

Certified 100% renewable electricity

We are proud to offer an independently certified 100% renewable electricity product for business customers.  

What generation sources are classified as renewable?

Our renewable electricity is sourced from Solar Photovoltaic (PV) and Wind generation, Landfill Gas and Biomass. These technologies all receive Renewable Energy Guarantee of origin (REGO) certificates if in the UK or guarantee of origin (GoO) certificates if imported from the EU. Imported GoO certificates from the EU are recognised as renewable by Ofgem in its annual Fuel Mix Disclosure process.  

Where do you get the guarantee of origin (GoO) certificates from?

We purchase renewable electricity and the associated REGOs and GoOs on the wholesale market. All the certificates are transferred to our account on the Ofgem Renewables and CHP Register which means they are solely owned by BES. 

Can I have the certificate serial numbers for my supply?

To report carbon emissions according to the GHG Protocol Scope 2 Guidance, you don’t need the actual certificates themselves, although you need evidence that we have correctly allocated enough certificates to your supply and that this has been verified, this will be provided in your welcome pack.

Do you supply nuclear power?

Nuclear is a low-carbon source of electricity, but it is not renewable because it uses uranium as a fuel and produces radioactive waste. Nuclear is not included in our renewable product but can be found in our conventional fuel mix because it forms part of the UK residual grid mix.

What is a guarantee of origin certificate?

GoO certificates are issued to demonstrate that electricity has been produced from a renewable energy source. One GoO is issued for each megawatt hour (MWh) of electricity that is produced from a renewable energy source.  All EU member states must have a guarantees of Origins (GoOs) scheme. In the UK, our version is called Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin (REGO) 

How can I use the BES Renewable Electricity product emission factor in my corporate carbon reporting?

The BES Renewable Electricity for Business product enables you to report zero grams CO2 per kilowatt hour Scope 2 emissions from purchased electricity when reporting using the market-based method, in accordance with the GHG Protocol Scope 2 Guidance.

What is the Green House Gas (GHG) Protocol?

Developed by The World Resources Institute (WRI) and World Business Council on Sustainable Development (WBCSD), the GHG protocol sets the global standard for how to measure, manage, and report greenhouse gas emissions.

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